

Renpet was the ancient Egyptian goddess who personified fertility, spring, and youth. She was often known as the “Mistress of Eternity” and her name was used to express the term “year”.

She is depicted as a young woman wearing a palm shoot over her head. The palm shoot represented “time” and this glyph regularly appears on monuments and documents throughout Egyptian history as the beginning of the phrase recording the regnal year of the pharaoh.

Renpet was worshipped in Memphis and Crocodilopolis and was considered to be an aspect of Isis.

  • Budge, E Wallis (1904) The Gods of the Egyptians
  • Goodenough, Simon (1997) Egyptian Mythology
  • Pinch, Geraldine (2002) Handbook Egyptian Mythology
  • Watterson, Barbara (1996) Gods of Ancient Egypt
  • Wilkinson, Richard H. (2003) The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

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